Monday, 01.10.2018 - Paris

The recent evolution of inequalities in France and Germany

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Cercle des économistes

The recent evolution of inequalities in France and Germany


Anton Brender (CdE), Stefan Dehnert (FES)

Morning Session: The diagnosis

Guiding questions: How have inequalities evolved since the beginning of the century? What factors have contributed to this evolution? Are there measurement problems? Are the perceptions about the importance of inequality in France and Germany different? …


Olivier Bargain (Bordeaux University), France

Judith Niehues (IW Köln), Germany

Chair                Stefan Collignon (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies)

General Discussion                                                               


Afternoon Session: Consequences of inequality and measures to be taken

Guiding questions: What are the effects of inequalities on the economy? 

Should we try to curb inequalities? What kind of policies would be more effective? ...


Alain Trannoy (EHESS Marseille)

Achim Truger (HWR Berlin), Germany

Chair                Laurence Boone (OECD Chief Economist and G20 Finance Deputy)

General Discussion

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