Saturday, 17.07.2021 - Online-Seminar

Recovery with future prospects

How can European recovery programmes be harnessed for the digital-environmental transformation?


The Covid-19 crisis is a health crisis with far-reaching political, social and economic consequences. It has laid bare the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of our globalised societies. But it is also broadening the scope for new socio-political development. Existing paradigms and policy approaches are being put to the test.

Will our societies emerge from this pandemic different from how they entered it? Could the pandemic even lend the decisive impetus to a decade of reform in a European future of environmental sustainability and digitalisation?

The recovery programme and related digital-environmental transformation just agreed is a Community responsibility and represents a major commitment, awakening expectations among the citizens of Europe. It could usher in a decade of European progress by linking a digital growth model with democracy based on the rule of law, social inclusion and environmental ambition. But will this opportunity be seized? And what elements are required for a successful policy of progressive transformation?

Recovery programmes and a new culture of progress

Input: Gero Maas, FES Consultant


•             Gabrielle Siry-Houari, Spokesperson of the Socialist Party, France 

•             José António Viera da Silva, Executive Director, Res Publica Foundation, Portugal

•             Antonio Nicita, Partido Democratico, Italy (tbc)

•             Philippos Sachinidis, Former Minister of Finance, Movement for Change Party, Greece

•             Anton Svensson, Katalys, Sweden


Chair: Michael Vincent, President of Greentervention

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